Welcome to the ESHG DNA Day Essay & Video Contest

A yearly contest for high school students

Welcome to all students, teachers and genetics colleagues!

What is the DNA DAY Contest?

The structure of the DNA double helix was unraveled seventy years ago. DNA Day, April 25, is commemorated internationally as a celebration of Genetics and its promises. For the 17th year, the European Society of Human Genetics (ESHG), will be sponsoring a DNA Day Essay and Video contest in high schools all over the world.

The essay and video contest is meant as a learning tool and a searches to promote knowledge of genetics within Europe. It intends to challenge students to examine, question and reflect on the importance and social implications of genetic research and its applications. Essays are expected to contain substantive, well-reasoned arguments indicative of a depth of understanding of the issues addressed by the selected essay question.

What’s the 2025 topic?

For many years in the past century, geneticists focussed on isolated populations to discover genetic traits, including lactose intolerance or sickle cell anaemia. Recent advancements in genetic and genomic technologies have enabled the conduction of large-scale studies in human genetics, such as those by the UK Biobank, Estonian Biobank, and FinnGen. However, still do not encompass the full diversity of world populations. Therefore, this year’s task is:

Please, discuss the importance of understanding genetic diversity for health and disease. Support your example with specific DNA variants and genes.


  • Write a 750 word essay of your own, OR
  • Make a short video (max. 5 min) of your own


First Place Winner: EUR 400
In addition, sponsoring teachers of 1st place students will receive EUR 1,000 to organise a science project.

Second Place Winner: EUR 300
In addition, sponsoring teachers of 2nd place students will receive EUR 800 to organise a science project.

Third Place Winner: EUR 200
In addition, sponsoring teachers of 3rd place students will receive EUR 500 to organise a science project.

All participants will receive a certificate of appreciation for their participation in the contest.

Important Dates

End of October: Submissions opens

April 25: Deadline for the submission to the European Society of Human Genetics

April 25: DNA DAY

April 25 – June 10: An international jury of scientists are judging the submissions

Mid June: Essay contest winners will be announced to the public

Statistics since the beginning of the DNA Day Essay Contest in 2009 (videos were started in 2018):
